The Dixie Merchant 1926


Goodnatured J. P. Fippany loses his home and takes to the road on a chicken-wagon with his wife and daughter. The wagon is wrecked in an automobile collision involving Jimmy Pickett, who falls in love with daughter Aida, and throu...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Dixie Merchant The Dixie Merchant
  • BR: Sem Lar e Sem Rumo Sem Lar e Sem Rumo
  • JP: ディキシーの商人 ディキシーの商人
  • ES: Sin hogar y sin rumbo Sin hogar y sin rumbo
  • SE: Dollarprinsens kärleksaffärer Dollarprinsens kärleksaffärer
  • UA: The Dixie Merchant The Dixie Merchant
  • US: The Dixie Merchant The Dixie Merchant
Data di rilascio 07 Mar 1926
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