Haneulalae seulpeumi 1978


A woman's death results in her eldest daughter having to quit school and take care of her crippled father. Unable to cope with all the household duties, she allows her younger sister to be adopted away from home.

Tutti i titoli
  • KR: Haneulalae seulpeumi Haneulalae seulpeumi
  • KR: Sadness Under the Sky Sadness Under the Sky
  • KR: Ha-neul-alae seulpeum-i Ha-neul-alae seulpeum-i
  • KR: Haneulalae seulpeumi Haneulalae seulpeumi
  • KR: Sorrow Under the Heavens Sorrow Under the Heavens
Data di rilascio 31 Aug 1978
Link IMDb
