Dieu a choisi Paris 1969


This is NOT a documentary. It's much more. A very interesting mixture of filmed scenes with J-P Belmondo and archival footage regarding cultural aspects of all kind around Paris, starting at the end of the 19th century and ending ...

Tutti i titoli
  • FR: Dieu a choisi Paris Dieu a choisi Paris
  • FR: Dieu a choisi Paris Dieu a choisi Paris
  • HU: Isten Párizst választotta Isten Párizst választotta
  • RU: Бог выбрал Париж Бог выбрал Париж
  • RU: Бог выбрал Париж Бог выбрал Париж
  • FR: God Chose Paris God Chose Paris
Data di rilascio 05 Sep 1969
Link IMDb
